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Upload your tracks & contact to discuss

This page is only for skaters who received a Pro Music Cut voucher in their SkateCrate Xmas Special Box
Voucher is valid until Dec 31st, 2025.

1.   Please email your tracks to sara@icecutmusic. com. If you have more than one file to be cut into your mix, be sure they are labeled with the song name and your own name. We can only work with the actual file itself. You can't send a link for us to download - and this means that even if you bought the track from your phone or iPad, you MUST actually send it to us from a computer because your phone or tablet is set up to stop you sending music files because of copyright laws. There are many complexities to copyright laws but by you actually buying the file ( is easiest) and sending me your own purchased file to work on, we are able to stay within the law.
Thanks for understanding.

PS. We understand that it's inconvenient not to just send from your phone, but honestly, so is you sending a link, us coming back to you to let you know it was only a link, not the file, you saying 'I don't get it, I just sent it to you', us saying, 'yeah but even if you bought the file you can't send a file from a phone', you trying again and doing exactly the same thing, us also having to do the same thing, and you calling us to check if it worked (it won't no matter how many times you send it by phone/tablet) then us walking you through how we know it's a pain - we agree, it is, but musicians make their living from selling their music and we don't want to stop them doing so. 

If you need instruction how to find the file, we can help - it's as simple 'searching' for it, checking where the file is located and attaching it to an email. 

BTW, if anyone else is cutting music for you and letting you send them a link instead of a file you have bought (only $1.29!) please know that they can get in trouble for working that way. It is illegal. 

2.   If you have any notes, ideas, requirements, jot them in the 'your thoughts' box and do remember to include your  name and PHONE NUMBER. If you don't email us your contact information your music cut could be delayed.

3.   No payment needed - we have a list of all the SkateCrate Xmas Box recipients and , but again, EMAIL YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION, INCLUDING YOUR CELL NUMBER PLEASE.

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